187th Engineer Combat Battalion -Charles Willoughby
One of the soldiers wounded on the crossing of the Rhine River was Charles H. Willoughby. He was wounded from
Photos of the 187th ECB
We are lucky to have these few photos of the 187th Engineer Combat Battalion.
I have been trying to put
187th Combat Engineer Battalion Morning Reports
I would like to thank Dail Neely for the effort and cost for this information of the daily reports for
Owen J. Jones-First Lt. C Company 187th Engineer Combat Battalion
World War II · US Army · First Lieutenant
Company C, 187th Engineer Combat Battalion
Owen J. Jones was born on November
187th Engineer Combat Battalion Camp White: View of Combat Village
You can find this archive on the internet by going to https://archive.org/details/ep-camp-white-combat-village/mode/2up
Contact 291st
360° Camp White pillboxes at Upper Table Rock
You can find this video on YouTube
The Pillboxes of Camp White (Oregon)
187th ECB Camp White Photos
These are some pictures I acquired on my trip to Camp White, Oregon. Camp White was decommissioned and sold back
Pears and POWs: Camp White 1942-1946, by Madelina Cordia Windows in Time
You can find this video on YouTube
Madelina Cordia gave new perspectives on her research at this July 10, 2019
187th Engineer Combat Battalion Records Research Information
Here is the information for research for the 187th. Unfortunately, you need to go to Maryland and make an appointment
Welcome to the Camp White Military Museum Museum
Thanks to Al Inlow, Museum Curator at the Camp White, Oregon museum
Msg Alfred Inlow
Army 21 years
Marines 7