187th Engineer Combat Battalion morning Situation Reports S-4 April 1945

Some documents will be hard to Read. Some with be out of order, but I tried to keep them in line with dates I could Read Clearly. Maps if you use Google Earth you can locate the roads they were working on. Some information might be sensitive for some individuals. We are still looking for Group Photos of the 187th Engineer Combat Battalion. We are willing to pay for the Photos if you have one.
If you think this battalion had a cakewalk. You better read the reports, they were dealing with shelling, German aircraft strafing by the German Airforce, and German Snipers .

Welcome to the new members of the newsletter. It's always a pleasure to see new people sign up. If you have some information on the battalion, please reach out. No matter how insignificant you may think the information may be, it might lead someone to a new avenue for research.
Seeking photos and information for the 187thECB. Willing to purchase any Engineer Combat Battalion Photo.
Contact us at the187thengcobn@aol.com
You can sign up for more information at https://187th-engineering-combat-battalion.ghost.io/ghost/#/site
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